Every third Sunday, we meet in homes in place of the Sunday morning service. This is a safe place to build relationships, pray for one another and reach outside the walls of the church building. This has become a highlight for our New Life family.

So continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.
— Act 2:46

Our Home Group Leaders and Locations:


East Earl


Toshi & Beth Imchen

Beth grew up in Bucks County, Pa. Toshi grew up in Nagaland, India.They have five children between the ages of 13 and 24. They love spending time together as a family making music, worshiping, talking, and laughing.

They have been attending New Life for four years. They enjoy the passion for creativity in worship and the encouragement and support the elder team provides to them as leaders. They appreciate how the elders are always willing to invest in their growth. New Life is a very special church family and they love being a part of the community.

New Holland


Phil & Jess Lapp

bio coming soon…



Daryl & Kirsten Rhodes

Daryl and Kirsten have attended New Life for just over five years. They have four beautiful children between the ages of 6 and 12. Being home group leaders, Daryl and Kirsten appreciate the sense of community and building relationships that will last a lifetime.

New Life is a special place. They love the sense of family and the fact that it feels like others are quick to celebrate differences and encourage authenticity. They celebrate with you instead of competing. These things combined make you truly feel at home.